September / October Half Term Classes

SEPTEMBER BOOKING AVAILABLE FROM 7PM MONDAY 11TH JULY! Many spaces have already been taken by current class members and SPACES GO FAST! We start Monday September 12th and run for 7 weeks with our fab theme “My Body and Me!” This is an amazing Learning Theme where we learn body parts, all the amazing things […]

LITTLE FIZZ SINGLE BOOKING SUMMER CLASSES NOW AVAILALE TO BOOK! We will run all summer where-ever we can!Spaces GO FAST!CLICK “See all classes” to view’ summer timetable at: Little Fizz Summer Classes will be held throughout the long 7 week School Summer Holidays when many activities close! We are here to keep you sane and […]
Beachtastic Half Term

ONLY £12 to join us for the last 2 weeks of our Beachtastic Half Term! Book at: We have been having an amazing time, exploring the sights and sounds of the ocean and the creatures who live there! Activities include Beach Themed Sensory Light shows, Parachute Games, Beach Props, Sea foam machine, bubbles, light […]